Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Waiting on Baby C!{Athens Texas Maternity Photographer}

Meet Jenna and Nick and baby C! Jenna and I have been friends since high school, and I was so excited when she contacted me about doing her maternity pictures! She is probably the cutest pregnant person I know, because she is still SO skinny, and not ONE stretch mark in sight. Yeah, I know, I hate her too. :) I met up with them on Sunday to take her maternity pictures before Baby C decides to make his debut in November! It was a beautiful day, and the light was absolutely scrumptious! :) Here are a few from their session!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Britani {Athens High School, Senior 2011}

Well, I am NOT scared to shoot in the rain. Or wait out the rain....I am, however, TERRIFIED of storms and tornadoes! Britani and I were just minding our own business trying to get her Senior pictures taken, and up blows a crazy style storm! We just BARELY made it out before it hit, so here are a few of my favorites from our very short shoot!

We are going to be finishing her session up this week, so be on the lookout for the rest! Britani is a beautiful girl, and I wish her all the best in her senior year and in life! :)

Blog Makeover!

Hellllo! This is my first post from my new made over blog! :) Now, I swear I am going to keep up with my blogging better!

Thank you to Beth Ross for your tutorial on how to make this possible! :) You ROCK!
